Calling all cyclists!

import YouTube from 'components/youtube';

Introducing a new app for Android and iPhone: LaneChange

For Bike Month we took June off of our regular projects and worked on an idea we'd been thinking about for some time: how can we make an app that helps people report blocked bike lanes & other accessibility issues to their city? We noodled a bit and LaneChange was born!

The idea is simple: when you're outside and you see something unsafe such as a van parked in the bike lane or a sidewalk that hasn't been cleared, you can report it to your city quickly by taking a photo and hitting "SEND".

At the moment we're working with the City of Hamilton and a few other cities in the region to collect feedback before we launch the app publicly. In the meantime the beta is available for you to try out. Please use the links below:

LaneChange BETA

You can find more information here: LaneChange